Michael Bird announces a new commentary series called The New Covenant Commentary Series (NCCS). The series will be edited by Craig Keener and Michael Bird and published by Wipf & Stock between 2009 and 2014.
Here are the projected volumes and authors:
- Matthew, Joel Willitts (North Park University, Chicago)
- Mark, Kim Huat Tan (Trinity Theological College, Singapore)
- Luke, Jeannine Brown (Bethel Seminary, St. Paul)
- John, Jey Kanagaraj (Hindustan Bible Institute & College, India)
- Acts, Youngmo Cho (Asia Life University, South Korea)
- Romans, Craig Keener (Palmer Seminary, Philadelphia)
- 1 Corinthians, Bruce Winter (Queensland Theological College, Australia)
- 2 Corinthians, David deSilva (Ashland Theological Seminary, Ohio)
- Galatians, Brian Vickers (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville)
- Ephesians, Lynn Cohick (Wheaton College, Wheaton)
- Philippians, Linda Belleville (Bethel College, Indiana)
- Colossians, Philemon, Michael Bird (Highland Theological College, Scotland)
- 1-2 Thessalonians, David Garland (George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Texas)
- Pastoral Epistles, Aida Besancon-Spencer (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Massachusetts)
- Hebrews, Tom Thatcher (Cincinnati Christian University, Ohio)
- James, Pablo Jimenez (Pastor, Puerto Rico)
- 1 Peter, Eric Greaux (Winston-Salem State University, North Carolina)
- 2 Peter, Jude, Andrew Mbuvi (Shaw University Divinity School, North Carolina)
- 1-3 John, Sam Ngewa (Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology, Kenya)
- Revelation, Gordon Fee (Regent College, Canada)