Yesterday I stumbled across Kuyper’s dogmatic theology, Dictaten dogmatiek: College-dictaat van een der studenten, on Princeton’s digital online library. By the subtitle, it appears to be dictations from one of his students. I really wish I knew even enough Dutch to work through some of this with profit. Better yet, I wish I knew someone who knew Dutch and would be willing to translate his section on the Trinity for me: Hoofdstuk I. Het Dogma de Sancta Trinitate. It’s only 44 pages. Any takers?
Also, how about we get someone to translate the whole thing—all 3,486 pages of it—into English for print and digital publication?
It’s composed of four volumes:
- Locus De Deo (949 pp.)
- Locus De Sacra Scriptura, Creatione, Creaturis (774 pp.)
- Locus De Providentia, Peccato, Foedere, Christo (1,035 pp.)
- Locus De Salute, Ecclesia, Sacramentis (728 pp.)
Sounds like a project for the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, Baker Academic, and Logos Bible Software, if you ask me.
While I’m on the subject of Dutch writers’ works in need of English translations, we really need to get Geerhardus Vos’s 1,900-page Gereformeerde dogmatiek (sometimes referred to simply as Dogmatiek) translated as well! I didn’t even know he had written one until Vos scholar extraordinaire Jim Dennison told me about it.
Update: On the subject of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, it looks like they might have their hands full for a while. They are working on Petrus van Mastricht’s massive Theoretico-Practica Theologia.
Mike says
I’d say you want to go to Holland (either Michigan or Netherlands) or perhaps South Africa.
Ryan M. says
I agree with Mike (I live about 30 miles from Holland MI). And Calvin College and Seminary in Grand Rapids would almost undoubtedly have some Dutch-fluent profs who might be open to doing this, especially given the right inducement–e.g., if Logos approached with a financial offer! Hmm. If only someone at Logos cared about this project… ;)
Seriously Phil, if I wasn’t leaving leaving the country for missions in just a month and a half, I’d do some legwork on this myself….
Baus says
As a Vos and Kuyper fan, I hope you’ll stop by here:
Paul Harmon says
I will see what I can do about chapter one on the Trinity in my spare time.
I bumped into a group of Dutchmen in Buenas Aires and noticed my Dutch is starting to slip. This will be a good excuse for a refresher.
Theo van Reijn says
I’d be willing to help Paul either with the translation part of it or proofreading. I don’t want to impose though. It sounds like he would like the refresher.
Paul Harmon says
Please feel free to jump in and help. This will be a very slow project for me as I am currently learning Spanish in Uruguay.
In addition, I have found the chapter to be fairly technical in the use of Dutch theological terms. As I only lived in Holland for six years some of this is a little above my level.
Perhaps you could translate the final “x” pages, and I could work on the first “x” pages of the chapter.
PedestrianMe says
Translators are grossly undervalued and underappreciated. You need to offer to pay. People always stumble upon docs in need of translation and assume some grad student or prof will want to eagerly translate it for free. Not cool.
Typical rates for Dutch to English is 10-15 cents per word.
Go to ProZ (website) and post your project to receive bids from freelance translators.
Saskia Milo says
Still looking for a translator?
Mark V says
You have a great Dutch to English translator right in your neck of the woods. Clarence Zylstra is a semi-retired history professor who lived the first half of his life in Holland and the second half in Lynden, Washington (where he still lives today). He loves doing stuff like this. If you really want to pursue this I can get you his contact info. He’s a great guy.
Rick says
I can transalate anything from dutch to english and vice versa.
Please let me know if you are interested.
Phil Gons says
Thanks, Rick. I’ll be in touch.
Anne DeGraaff says
Hi, My website has nothing to do with Religion or translating.
I have translated a book written by Drs. R. van Kooten, and am willing to translate for you.
In the meantime, I am looking for the English version of Beknopte Gereformeerde Dogmatiek in English, Condensed Reformed Dogmatics. Any ideas?
Let me know about translating for you.
Thank you,
Anne DeGraaff
Peter Gidman says
Dear Sir,
If you really are serious about having this translation done I would be happy to do it for 10 Euro cents per word and supply Word-files for the coming months. I have more than 7,500 assignments from Dutch into English under my belt. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Peter Gidman
Da Costakade 8-huis
1052 SJ Amsterdam
+31 20 6167821